Friday 25 July 2014

Gettysburg National Military Memorial Park

Thursday, July 24
We toured the  battlegrounds of Gettysburg where a  three day battle occurred from 
July 1 to July 3, 1863.      The Gettysburg battle was a significant event in               American history. 

The South’s attempt to invade the North was halted and the Confederate troops began their retreat to the South. There were other battles yet to happen but 
the outcome of this battle led to the South eventually surrendering. 



  1. That WAS quite the battle back then in 1863.....I guess 50,000 soldiers lost their lives over those three days! That was quite significant.

  2. Yes. I read that nearly one-third of the total forces at Gettysburg became casualties.
    The temperature ranged from 24 degrees to 30, with rain on the third day. The soldiers would have been so hot and so dirty in their wool uniforms. For many at Gettysburg, their time there was "nasty, brutish and short".
