Saturday 29 November 2014

Coastal Terrace Prairie: Ano Nuevo State Reserve

Sunday, November 23, 2014: Costanoa KOA is located along Highway #1. From our campsite, we walked across the two lane highway, met a trail and walked through the prairie to the beach.

In the cove, in front of the rock, I watched a solitary pelican fish. When a large wave approached, he spread his wings and flew above it. Then, when the water settled, he resumed his bobbing, his beak tip in the water. He carefully studied the water, then he opened and closed his beak and stretched it out to digest his snack.


  1. Jonathan, any urges to try surfing again? Crazy rock erosion. Awesome pics. MK

    1. Thanks, MK! Interesting to see what the shore looks like in 20 years.
      J says "tempted to ride the board again, but chiropractor too far away."

  2. Love this post! Not much need for words, the pics do all the talking.
