Sunday, September 28, 2014
60% of chance of rain today, but the skies this morning were clear. We decided to visit the geysers at Yellowstone National Park. The park entrance is a 10 minute drive from our campsite.
The photo on the right and the photo below are Old Faithful.
We did not know when the show would start. We stopped in at a hotel, saw this sign and arrived just as the O.F. was starting to bubble.
Old Faithful is a destination spot surrounded by several parking lots, lodging, conference centers, eateries and gift stores. The next photos are some of the geysers we saw after our visit with Old Faithful. Theses geysers are along the main road, with parking spots, viewing areas and trails.
Bison sightings at the beginning, middle and end of our Yellowstone visit, today. Each bison sighting got closer and closer! The photo below is from a side road.
On the main road, I noticed a yellow sign road with a picture of a bison on it. It was lit with neon lights. Minutes after, we noticed lots of slow moving traffic ahead in both lanes. Bison! Three were marching on the road. They were definitely in charge: "It's my park and I'll walk on the road if I want to". Jonathan took these photos from the left side of the truck.
The traffic resumed with the bison continuing to lane-hop. About 5 minutes later, I took this photo from the right side of our truck. This bison was not part of the original group of three we spotted.
Dark clouds hovered over us throughout the day. Some drizzle fell on us at different times, but no heavy rain. Dinner at Bearstooth Barbecue. These photos are of the ales we enjoyed.
The clouds opened at 6pm tonight, just as we were driving back to our campsite.