Monday 16 February 2015

Georgia O'Keeffe: Sante Fe, New Mexico

Saturday, February 14, 2015
We strolled the historic warehouse district of Santa Fe, referred to as the Railyard or Guadalupe District. After the demise of the train route through town, the warehouses were converted to artists' studios, antique stores, bookstores, specialty shops and restaurants. There is also a Farmer's Market on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The market has a wonderful variety of products with a strong environmental commitment. Foods and crafts are locally-sourced with minimal packaging.

Santa Fe District Mural: Kathlene Pizzoferrato


                                                   Tony Vaccaro, Georgia O'Keeffe with the Cheese, 1960. 


Barrio de Analco Historic District: 
The Oldest House is an example of Spanish Pueblo architecture. Tree-ring samples obtained from this house indicate a cutting date between 1740 and 1767. The western portion of the house has thick adobe walls, dirt floors, low ceilings, a corner fireplace, and no Territorial embellishments. The eastern portion of the house contains a craft shop and museum.

1 comment:

  1. A definite destination on our next ( hopefully) trip to the South West!
