A friend from Jonathan's hometown (Lockeport, Nova Scotia) suggested we contact her friend Frances. Frances winters in Silver City and summers near Lockeport. We hiked with Frances and her dog Jack to Gomez Peak, a two and a half hour climb. As we climbed, Frances identified the flora along the trail and the peaks in the distance.
Catherine and Frances
Hedgehog Cactus
This Toyoto Tacoma was parked next to ours!
Lunch at Nancy's Silver Cafe:
Refried Beans, Ground Beef and Guacamole Tostadas; Chiles Relleno; Chicken Burritos
View of Silver City from one of the original neighbourhoods
Adobe architecture
Frances pointed out four murals that represent 4 time periods in the history of Silver City:
Mimbres culture
early settlement
This home used to be on the main street of Silver City until a flood consumed the street. Now this home faces a bridge.
In Santa Rosa, California, we saw street sign poles with crocheted coverings. Here is an embellished drain pipe. There is a yarn store across the street.
Frances introduced us to Jean-Robert, artist and gallery owner.
Jean-Robert reimagined Billy The Kid as an artist. Instead of bullets, he carries an artists' staples: brushes and paints. |
Jean-Robert created this frame for travellers (and locals) to have a memento of their visit to Silver City and his gallery.
This last photo is hilarious and the unique pipe covers tickle my knitter's fancy!